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Third, to take care of those who’ve found The Path

Who are practising it diligently.

Fourth, to flourish this noble project

And to nurse those who work for it earnestly.

All these are done in order to gather 

Ocean of wisdom and clouds of merits

So The Truth, profound and vast is seen,

Such is the fortune we dearly wish for you 

And for each and every sentient being.

Aspiring that such be swiftly accomplished

May all virtues be perfectly dedicated!

Through these pages, we have shown our heart

Of which the intention is pure and large.

If from the pureness of yours, you give,

Such will be so much cherished

That it shall never be used

For any other purposes than these

Four divisions kindly taught by The Awakened One:

First, to offer to The Wise and Compassionate

Who reside in the Lands of Serenity.

Second, to aid those who are in need

Being lost in the world of agony.

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You Generosity Sent To Support

Our Activities Is Received Through:

Option 1: (Preferred option for support coming from abroad) Sending Your Support Through Western Union to:

  • Receiver: Khoi Van Ho

  • Address: Boudha-06, Kathmandu, Nepal, 44600 

  • Contact Number: +9779706013015 (for this purpose only)

=> Please email us with the 10-digit code once you've sent.

Option 2: Sending to Paypal account under the email address

with much appreciation and will be put into use for the continuity of virtuous acts, which Home wishes to share with you in the few lines below:

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